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  • #2332206

    Help with Lotus EasySync Pro (4.0/4.1)


    by martin.chmiel ·

    Many of the users that I support have been running into problems synching from Lotus Notes (R5, 5.0.9a) to EasySync Pro (4.0/4.1) on a Palm unit.

    Would anyone know where I would be able to gain more knowledge on Easy Sync Pro, or get support? excluding Lotus because they do not provide support for that product..

    Thanks in Advance

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    • #3510819

      Help with Lotus EasySync Pro (4.0/4.1)

      by sbrooks46 ·

      In reply to Help with Lotus EasySync Pro (4.0/4.1)


      You didn’t go into detail with what type of errors\problems the users are recieving. I’ve noticed that in Notes R5 the user’s experience a problem syncing the notes calendar with custom repeat entries. Here are the 3 common error messages. Hope this helps….

      Error message:

      “Notes C++ API error: Invalid parameter passed to function” This occurs with Custom dates in repeating documents
      There is no workaround currently available other than to create separate appointments for each of the dates.

      DO NOT use custom dates in repeating documents. Use only the default options ….i.e.
      “every day”, “every 2nd day”, “every 2nd Monday”….. ALSO do not reschedule a meeting that is part of a repeater.

      To resolve ALL repeats that are children of entry causing error need to be deleted. Then recreate the necessary meetings.

      Error message:

      “Notes C++ API error: Document has been deleted” OR “Notes C++ API Error: Note item not found” This usually occurs if document was deleted in Notes, but palm thinks document still exists


      Rename/delete PDAMAP.NSF (of broken conduit) then perform a hard reset on the Palm device to erase all data, prior to synching again
      initiate a “Desktop overwrites handheld” sync for broken conduit

      Error Message:

      “Notes C API error: Invalid NSF version” This occurs after user has been upgraded to ver 5.04.


      Replace the design of the Notes local address book and attempt the synch again. May have to downgrade the design to 4.56

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