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  • #2141029

    Hi guys,I need some help in fixing this issue.

    by dreyo143 ·


    Hi guys,I need some help in fixing this issue.I am getting this error message and I dont know why.

    An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the GetKeyPolicy operation: 1 validation error detected: Value Oluseg-Kms-Test at ‘policyName’ failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [\w]

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    • #2419877
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Hi guys,I need some help in fixing this issue.

      The KMS I know of is something pirates use to activate Windows and as such you won’t find support for this on most forums including this one.

      This is NOT A BUG. Fix? Go get a valid copy of Windows and a key if your PC needs it. Fun fact: Today I know of a few folk that run Windows 10 unactivated. It works good enough for them.

    • #2419870
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      Re: error message

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Hi guys,I need some help in fixing this issue.

      The message seems to say that Member must be filled. Does it make a difference if you fill it?

      If no luck, contact the maker of the software that gives this error message. Sadly, you forgot to tell the details. Just saying it happened in the cloud doesn’t tell much; the cloud is too big.
      But googling GetKeyPolicy makes me think it has to do with AWS. If that’s the case, start with tutorials and documentation about whatever you want to do. If no luck, contact their custumer service.

      • #2419869

        Error message

        by dreyo143 ·

        In reply to Re: error message

        Thank you so much, your suggestion worked ..

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