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  • #2141300

    High End PC bad performance

    by skyzeea ·


    This week I bought a new PC with the following specs: Motherboard AMD A320M-DVS R4, CPU Ryzen 7 2700X, GPU RTX 2060 SUPER, 16GB RAM 2400hz (1×16), 2 TB HDD, 500GB SSD.

    I optimized it and changed a lot of settings so I prioritize good performance in gaming, I installed all the drivers and I started testing it…

    Fornite can t go beyond 160+ FPS not even on low settings and i get a lot of framedropping to 60 or even less, CoD Warzone only gets 80-120 FPS at most on the lowest settings and it s getting frustrating, I think it might be the RAM frequency and the fact that is 1×16, but I’m not an expert so I need some advice, what could be the issue?

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    • #2418897


      by odooncon ·

      In reply to High End PC bad performance

      You right. It`s because of RAM
      And try to check the CPU/GPU/RAM usage in benchmarks

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