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    Homeoffice (company PC), how can I keep my private data safe?

    by iago123 ·


    Due to the current Coronavirus-Crises, I work with an all-in-one desktop from my company (DELL intel core-i5) at home.
    Since I don’t have enough space for the company PC and my own PC, I use the company PC also for my private things. (my company does not prohibit this)

    I log into the PC with my company password and I use a USB-stick in order access in my private Google Chrome account.
    I think the computer is not routed automatically via our company domain, because we need to log in a proxy server before we start working, however e.g. Google Chrome (on the stick) behaves in a strange way. My private bookmarks are synchronized and then dissappear suddenly.

    So my questions is, is my data safe? Thanks a lot, Iago

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