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  • #2082737

    Horizontal Screen Captures


    by gmilliner ·

    Is there a program that will let you capture a screen that scrolls off of the screen horizontally? I have found a variety of programs that let you capture a screen that scrolls off of the screen vertically but not horizontally. Any suggestions?

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  • Author
    • #3897609

      Horizontal Screen Captures

      by e.rick ·

      In reply to Horizontal Screen Captures

      SnagIt, available from TechSmith scrolls vertically and horizontally and has a robust set of features.

      You can download an evaluation copy at

    • #3898414

      Horizontal Screen Captures

      by techrepublic ·

      In reply to Horizontal Screen Captures

      I am not sure what “type” of screens you would like to capture, but the easiest solution is free. You can align your screen at the top of your “page” and use Alt-PrintScreen key combination. This will “capture” your screen to the clipboard to be pasted into another program and saved. Scroll down to the next point and capture the next segment. This process captures a “graphic image” of your pages.

      • #3893235

        Horizontal Screen Captures

        by gmilliner ·

        In reply to Horizontal Screen Captures

        I already knew about this technique. It wouldn’t let me get the entire screen and took too much time to combine the multiple images.

    • #3892124

      Horizontal Screen Captures

      by nwallace ·

      In reply to Horizontal Screen Captures

      I have used two tools “Hypersnap” and “Hypercam” by the same company. Hypersnap allowed me to capture the contents of windows that scrolled off the screen very easily. Search for Hypersnap, it may even be

      • #3893236

        Horizontal Screen Captures

        by gmilliner ·

        In reply to Horizontal Screen Captures

        I hadn’t heard of this one. I downloaded it to try it out. Thanks!

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