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    Hosting question

    by Thanos Tsimpouras ·

    What hosting would you recommend for a news/media website based in WordPress (PHP – total instillation size = 2.2GB + ~5MB of media files & ~10 articles being added daily), 5,000 daily visitors, and 10-15 total registered website users? The goal is performance and security. I would like to set up my own instance directly on the cloud. I would not like to use an ISP/WP web hosting company. I need to go with a company that provides on-demand cloud computing and has their own datacenters (i.e. Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean etc.).

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    • #3977696
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      How secure?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Hosting question

      From the web: ” Did you know that an estimated 30,000 websites are hacked every day and Google “blacklists” 10,000 sites per day, with WordPress representing over 80% of infected sites?”

      You mentioned a few hosting options but didn’t reveal why those are not an option.

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