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  • #2143373

    How can I fix a laptop that turns on but won’t display anything

    by e4ten ·


    So yesterday I tried to factory reset my ASUS F555L laptop, I let the process run while I went to bed and when I woke up I checked the laptop, there was nothing showing on the screen. Keep in mind that the actual display on the laptop is broken so I have been using a monitor to use this laptop. I instantly got worried and tried turning the laptop on and off multiple times and still there is nothing happening.

    I have tried many things to get my laptop to work such as reseating the RAM, removing the battery and unplugging the laptop and holding down the power button, and trying out a different monitor to see if that was the problem, none of these methods work and I am extremely worried, I have also tried to boot in safe mode but nothing shows up on my screen when I hold down the F4/ Fn + F4 keys.

    Please help and that you in advance.

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    • #2421679

      Won’t display anything

      by jpmcsale ·

      In reply to How can I fix a laptop that turns on but won’t display anything

      Windows 10 eliminated keyboard activated safe mode. You have to select safemode in settings and reboot into it. Can you get into bios with keyboard on boot up? If you can then the software that reset loaded is corrupt if it loaded any at all. If you can’t get into bios screen Id say you got a hardware problem.

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