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  • #4211917

    How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?


    by gavottetreat03 ·

    i find less eye strain from iPhone SE2022 than Second Generation. How can that be possible when both has same Display specifications. My comparison is done with Accessibility turned on for Reduce Transparency, Increase Contrast, Differentiate Without Colour, Smart Invert, Colour Filters, Reduce White Point, Auto-Brightness. The SE2022 seems much easier on my eyes. What can explain the difference when both share same display specs?

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    • #4211945
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      Reply To: How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      Your best bet for an answer would be at the Apple internet forum site and not this one.

    • #4212017

      How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      by tperks ·

      In reply to How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      If you would like the answer, an Apple employee may know, which means taking a trip to one of Apple’s local stores or going on the Apple forum.

      There should be some Apple technicians on there who can answer your question.

      Apple community forum:

    • #4212200

      How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      by numairsohail4 ·

      In reply to How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      Despite identical display specs, the iPhone SE 2022 may cause less eye strain compared to the Second Generation due to subtle differences in display panel manufacturing, software calibration, or the specific implementation of accessibility settings. External factors like ambient light or screen protectors might also influence perceived comfort, demonstrating how identical specs can still result in varied user experiences.

    • #4212596

      iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain

      by scofeild618 ·

      In reply to How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      The difference in eye strain between the iPhone SE (2022) and the second-generation SE, despite sharing the same display specifications, may stem from a combination of factors. Potential improvements in display technology, color accuracy, brightness management, and software optimization on the newer model could contribute to a more comfortable viewing experience. Additionally, subtle hardware enhancements or changes in anti-reflective coatings might impact how light interacts with the screen. Individual preferences and sensitivities, as well as variations in screen calibration and color rendering, could also play a role in the perceived reduction of eye strain with the iPhone SE (2022). Overall, the nuanced interplay of these factors goes beyond technical specifications alone.

    • #4212746


      by benishrasheed40 ·

      In reply to How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      Despite identical display specs, the iPhone SE 2022 may cause less eye strain compared to the Second Generation due to subtle differences in display panel manufacturing, software calibration, or the specific implementation of accessibility settings.

    • #4219607

      How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      by thealightm ·

      In reply to How can iPhone SE 2022 vs Second Generation feel less eye strain?

      While the iPhone SE 2022 and the iPhone SE 2nd Generation may have similar display specifications on paper, there could be several factors contributing to the difference in perceived eye strain between the two devices. Here are some possible explanations:

      Display Technology: Even if the specifications are the same, the actual display technology used in the two devices may differ slightly. This could include differences in the manufacturing process, panel quality, or display calibration, which could affect factors like brightness, color accuracy, and screen flicker—all of which can impact eye strain.

      Software Optimization: Apple regularly updates its software to improve performance and optimize the user experience. The iPhone SE 2022 may benefit from software enhancements that improve display performance and reduce eye strain compared to the older iPhone SE 2nd Generation.

      Hardware Improvements: While the display specifications may be similar, the iPhone SE 2022 could feature hardware improvements that contribute to a better overall viewing experience. This could include advancements in display technology, backlighting, or anti-glare coatings that help reduce eye strain.

      User Experience: Factors such as ergonomics, screen size, and overall user experience can also influence eye strain. The iPhone SE 2022 may offer a more comfortable viewing experience for you personally, leading to less eye strain even with similar display specifications.

      Subjective Perception: Eye strain is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. What works well for one individual may not work as effectively for another. It’s possible that the combination of accessibility settings and other factors on the iPhone SE 2022 simply align better with your specific preferences and needs, resulting in less eye strain.

      Overall, while the display specifications are an important factor to consider, there are many other variables at play that can influence eye strain. It’s essential to find the device and settings that work best for you personally and prioritize your comfort and well-being when using electronic devices for extended periods.

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