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  • #2140977

    How do I get into DBA

    by kirannkumarr ·


    Hello all, I am quite new and a fresher working in a QA department. No really liking what I am actually doing. Wanted advice on which department I can get into. I was learning languages such as Python, and SQL. I kind of wanted to get into as a DBA. I a function profile on the web that said that I have to learn Web Servers, TCP/IP, Firewalls, and APIs for this profile?

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    • #2419471
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      Re: DBA

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How do I get into DBA

      And what’s your question?

      I think the best you can do in these circumstances is to talk to the companies HR department and ask about the options they offer.
      Surely they can bring into contact with the manager of the DBA department, who can tell you all about what DBA’s do in the company (I doubt if it’s firewalls) and whether he is willing to accept you in that role as a junior.

    • #3939095
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      Re: DBA

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How do I get into DBA

      And what’s your question?

      I think the best you can do in these circumstances is to talk to the companies HR department and ask about the options they offer.
      Surely they can bring into contact with the manager of the DBA department, who can tell you all about what DBA’s do in the company (I doubt if it’s firewalls) and whether he is willing to accept you in that role as a junior.

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