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  • #3937993

    How do I learn more about Windows internals/architecture.

    by becker63 ·

    Hey there, I’m making an attempt to get in depth knowledge about the windows operating system architecture. How it manages accounts and other security features, filesystems, how programs run etc etc. I’m learning it as a enthusiast for my path towards a possible cyber security job. I’ve already read “ Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces” but that’s a more general book. And Im reading the first windows internals (7nth edition) and plan on buying the second. Can you guys give me any more resources? Because windows is so closed it makes it very hard to study.

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    • #3938819
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      My suggestion

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to How do I learn more about Windows internals/architecture.

      Get Microsoft certified at your local college/university.

    • #3938816
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      For the most part the File System has been decoded.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How do I learn more about Windows internals/architecture.

      Linux supports it, there is far too much on the web about the NTFS, FAT and other file systems so there is no lack of information about that.

      However to gain much insight there may be a few year endeavor that at the end you may ask yourself why. Spin the wheel?

      Now about Windows internals, there was a lot about that but it does change as you go back to Windows 1, 2, 3, 95, 98, Me, NT (1 to 4?), XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and now eleven.

      What are you really after here?

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