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  • #4003303

    How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

    by yang121 ·


    I made a timetable for uni and I want it to be on my desktop but not the background. I tried using a sticky note but it wasn’t properly visible however I want it to be on my desktop in the same way a sticky note would be.

    I use windows 11

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    • #4003306
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      Re: image on desktop

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      Like this:

      I didn’t try, but I expect the effect is the same as when you check the Always on top option in Task Manager.

    • #4007192

      Reply To: How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      by Johnharper2020 ·

      In reply to How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      Select Start > Settings > Personalization > Background.
      In the list next to Personalize your background, select Picture, Solid color, or Slideshow.

      John H

    • #4044093

      How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      by chrisleygio31 ·

      In reply to How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      To make an image appear on your desktop, you will need to create a shortcut to the image.

      First, open Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows key (or clicking on its icon in the taskbar).

      Navigate to the folder where your image is stored and right-click on it. Select “Copy” from the menu that appears.

    • #4044684

      Reply To: How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      by emmaleith6578el ·

      In reply to How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      Open your photo editing software. For example, if you are using Windows Vista and have Adobe Photoshop, then you can right-click and choose “Set as desktop background” as in the following picture:

    • #4044768

      Reply To: How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      by luckieday11 ·

      In reply to How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      Congrats on getting organized with a timetable for uni, that’s a great step towards success! As for your question, have you considered using widgets on your Windows 11 desktop? You can add a widget for the “Sticky Notes” app, and it will display on your desktop without being your background. This way, you can easily view your timetable and make any necessary adjustments throughout the day.

    • #4051441

      To make an image appear on your desktop, you can follow these steps:

      by careyphilip12 ·

      In reply to How do I make an image appear on my desktop?

      First, save the photograph to your computer’s hard drive so that you can use it as your desktop background. You can do this by choosing “Save image as…” or “Save picture as…” from the menu that appears whenever you right-click on the image and indicate where you want the file to be saved.

      Find the image file: Following saving the image file, go to the spot on your computer where you saved it.

      Make the picture the background of your desktop: Click the image file with your right mouse button and choose “Put as desktop wallpaper” or “Set as wallpaper” (the exact wording may vary depending on your operating system). The picture should now be the background for your desktop.

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