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  • #2142119

    How do I make my computer recognise a USB as an accessory?

    by mrpleasant ·


    I recently received a new school laptop and (being a fairly strict private school) they have put restrictions on it to I can not use a USB with it. I have heard that there is a way to make my laptop recognise the USB as an accessory (accessories are still useable) but I do not know how to go about doing this. Any tips would be very much appreciated, thanks.

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    • #2413889

      Re: USB

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to How do I make my computer recognise a USB as an accessory?

      Whart exactly do you mean with “a USB”. Could be mouse or a speaker set. And what do you mean with “accessory”? Could be a mouse of a speaker set.

      Discussing circumventing rules from an employer or a school is no go on these forums. So I’m afraid we can’t help you, even if we could understand your question.

    • #2413886
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      You need to contact ……

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to How do I make my computer recognise a USB as an accessory?

      ….your school’s information technology group.

      From your description, the computer is owned by the school and if so, you are not authorized to make changes without their permission. Nobody on this forum should even suggest how to get around this.

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