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  • #4258549

    How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

    by jcoppe ·

    I have tried to do it as in the tutorials, bt the warning keeps coming back..?

    Kind regards

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    • #4258624
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      Reply To: How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

      Clicking on the close button is a good way to remove a notification from your screen.

      Maybe you mean something else? Then tell more, such as what a “genuine” notification is, what it says and for what of Adobe’s products it is.

      • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4258820

      Reply To: How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

      by jcoppe ·

      In reply to How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

      The notification I receive on the screen is the following: from adobe genuine service alert – You application is disactivated – Replace them by authetique appliaction and receive 40% of your abonnement. I do not wish to receive this pop up anymore…

      • #4258833
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        Reply To: How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to Reply To: How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

        It seems you didn’t yet activate it. Do that and you’ll get no more notifications about activation.

      • #4258842
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        Reply To: How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

        by Wizard57M-TR ·

        In reply to Reply To: How do I remove the adobe genuine service alert notifications

        It appears you are attempting to use some sort of “cracked” version of an Adobe application. All bets are off if this is indeed the case. If not, where did you acquire the software? If not from Adobe or official distributor, then again you are on your own, contact whomever you acquired the software from. Oh, and uninstall the cracked version, and scan for malware preferably with a secondary bootable device (USB thumb drive, CD, etc.)

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