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    How do I resolve exception thrown while trying to do CRUD in CSOM?

    by wm.m.thompson ·

    How do I resolve this exception thrown while trying to do CRUD operations on CSOM?

    Let me break this down for you. CRUD, of course, means “Create Read Update and Delete”. CSOM is the tech for connection C# to a Sharepoint List (or, I assume, also a Microsoft List) in order to programmatically make additions or mortifications to said list from C# code.

    I think that, due to the fact that the Microsoft List resides on a highly secure remote source dripping with security systems, I get an exception thrown when I set up a query and perform an “ExecuteQuery” from the ClientContext class. I can provide some source code if necessary but I do not think it is necessary. The question I have is simply this. What would cause a 403 Forbidden error and how can I find a way to resolve it?

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      Reply To: How do I resolve exception thrown while trying to do CRUD in CSOM?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How do I resolve exception thrown while trying to do CRUD in CSOM?

      What does the owner of the “highly secure remote source dripping with security systems” say when you ask them why you are not allowed to execute a certain query? It might be necessary to specify if it’s C-query, an R-query, an U-query or a D-query.

      Anyway, the server throws the exception. So they are most likely to tell why. Nobody else can, I’m afraid.

      • This reply was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
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