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    How do i secure a game server with a Vlan

    by dave_cutel ·


    Hey, my name ist David, im 17 and an trainee as an Computer sience expert for system integration (Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration in German).
    First of all, please bear with me and excuse my poor grammar.
    I wanted to work with Vlans, get to know how they work and all that.
    Now im thinking about using an old PC as an gameserver-host. I thought about how to make it save and cheap. Now my real Question: If i open a Port so my friends can play on the server as well, aint it a risk for my whole network?
    Seconly, can I use a Vlan to secure my network and if somethings happens only the host pc is affected? Like can something like this even work??
    And If it works, does someone have a few tips or advice. I Dont want to kill my Network and kinda want to impress my instructor.

    Thanks for any help, and I wish you all a nice Christmas time.

    Best regards David

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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How do i secure a game server with a Vlan

      There is no assurance that opening said port is safe. The game’s server could be compromised and sniffing your network or something else.

      No one can answer yes or no here since said server is usually on some PC and rarely firewalled from the home’s LAN.

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