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  • #2144503

    How do verify any company details?


    by casharma ·


    I want to know if I am dealing with a company which I don’t know before so how can I verify that the company is real or fake in a short period.

All Answers

  • Author
    • #2422772

      Its easy to verify any company details but where i can get

      by casharma ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      i m not asking for big big organization i m asking for small companies

    • #2422769

      You have to do some search let me tell you in detail

      by kindledroid040 ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      First you search company on google if you don’t find some information than just go to and find some information and reviews and for small enterprises just visit this website.
      Verify any company details in

    • #2422767

      How do verify any company details?

      by greensdavid21 ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      Step 1: Go to the company website.
      Step 2: Go to the ‘company Services’ tab. In the drop-down click on ‘View Company Data’.
      Step 3: Enter the companies CIN. Enter the captcha code. Click on ‘Submit’.

    • #2423592


      by helenmarkle ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      There are a lot of business review sites out there like Foursquare,, Trustpilot, etc. You can find there a lot of information about the companies you are interested in.

    • #2423590

      Try this hope this will help you to find some good results

      by kindledroid040 ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      One can verify any company detail by visiting these sites and also you can verify GST detail of any company

    • #2423512

      How to know company fake or real?

      by bracknelson ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      Here are some basic tips for checking company fake or real
      1. To visit company website.
      2. To check their services.
      3. Review website’s policy pages.

    • #2418728

      company details verification

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      Under Master Data Check, you will get the following details of the selected Company

      1. Company/LLP Master Data




      CIN is a 21-digit number that contains the information such as status (listed / unlisted), NIC code of business activity, state of registration, year of registration, private or public and the sequential registration number in the respective state

      Company Name


      ROC Code


      Registration Number

      123456 (Last 6 digits of CIN)

      Company Category

      Category of Company

      Company SubCategory

      Sub-Category of Company

      Class of Company

      Private / Public

      Authorised Capital(Rs)

      Registered Capital of Company

      Paid up Capital(Rs)

      Paid Up Capital of Company

      Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital)

      Applicable in case of company without Share Capital

      Date of Incorporation

      Date of Registration of Company

      Registered Address

      Address of the Registered office of the Company

      Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintained

      If any

      Email Id

      Contact Email Id

      Whether Listed or not

      Listed or Unlisted

      Suspended at stock exchange

      If Applicable

      Date of last AGM

      Date of Last AGM for which returns were filed with ROC

      Date of Balance Sheet

      Date of Last Balance Sheet for which returns were filed with ROC

      Company Status(for efiling)

      Present Status of the Company

      2. Charges
      Assets under charge

      Charge Amount

      Date of Creation

      Date of Modification


      List of Charges Created on the Assets of the Company

      3. Directors/Signatory Details


      Begin date

      End date

      Surrendered DIN


      Name of Director

      Date of Appointment


      Name of Director

      Date of Appointment

    • #2418095

      Company Verification

      by manojshu10 ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      To verify any company details you should visit ministry of corporate affairs websites and check the details regarding company.

    • #2422170

      Verify any company details

      by kathleenrowan ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      Steps to Check Company Registration Status

      Step 1: Go to the MCA website.
      Step 2: Go to ‘MCA Services’ tab. In the drop-down click on ‘View Company/LLP Master Data’.
      Step 3: Enter the companies CIN. Enter the captcha code. Click on ‘Submit’.

      • #3939862

        Verify any company details

        by chalessmith ·

        In reply to Verify any company details

        MCA website is for Indian Company, like this every country govt. has there own websites to check any company detail.

    • #3962851

      How do verify any company details

      by gennifercarter478 ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?

      The best way to verify company details is to check the company’s website and look for contact information. You can also search for the company name on the SEC website to see if the company is registered with the SEC.

      If you’re looking to invest in a company, it’s also important to do your own due diligence and research the company. Be sure to read through the company’s financials and understand its business model. It’s also important to talk to other people who have invested in the company or are familiar with it.

    • #3976404

      Need Answers

      by blakeryan744 ·

      In reply to How do verify any company details?


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