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  • #4252089

    How do you handle data security and privacy in the cloud?

    by shraysingh055 ·

    I have a SME which I have just started and am actually looking to get cloud services as from what I know cloud is amazing! Files on-demand, anywhere access, and scalability for businesses. But with great convenience comes responsibility, especially when it comes to our data. So, do we keep our information secure and private in the cloud.

    Adding on to that we are a company that is based in India and I want my Data to reside within India. I do not want to depend on external providers like AWS & GCS.

    Can you suggest something suitable for my requirements. I need something at cheaper prices too.

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    • #4252212
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      “We only lose what we don’t backup.”

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How do you handle data security and privacy in the cloud?

      Once in a while you find Subject Matter Experts that forget the basics about backups. Google 321 Backup to find that backup of data has been discussed for decades. The CLOUD did not change the requirements for backup.

      As to privacy, once you release information on the Internet and the cloud, expecting the data to remain private is sheer fantasy. At some point the data will leak.

    • #4252215
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      Then there’s HIPPA

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How do you handle data security and privacy in the cloud?

      1 off site backup every 2 days depending on record change) Its actually 24 hours but there is a 24 hour grace
      Digital records are not going to be archived digitally EVERY day I would rather chew on broken glass

    • #4252555
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      Reply To: How do you handle data security and privacy in the cloud?

      by Shivam rathore ·

      In reply to How do you handle data security and privacy in the cloud?

      I have started and am looking to get cloud services for my individual use.

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