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  • #4267762

    How do you overclock your gpu?


    by hopkieb27 ·


    I want to up my performance in games and I was wondering how do you overclock the gpu for max performance?

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    • #4267794
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      Reply To: How do you overclock your gpu?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How do you overclock your gpu?

      Do what the manual says.

    • #4267841
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      Reply To: How do you overclock your gpu?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to How do you overclock your gpu?

      Google is your friend. You never identified any details about your computer or the game(s) you want to use. Hard for anyone to offer advice.

    • #4275907

      Reply To: How do you overclock your gpu?

      by garloom26 ·

      In reply to How do you overclock your gpu?

      In the past I used a software called msi afterburner. But overclocking usually shortens the lifespan of your graphics card so I would be very careful.

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