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  • #2141697

    How is it safe for people to drink liquids near an iPad?

    by ahawkua ·


    How is it safe for people to drink liquids near an iPad since iPads are very easily liquid damage?

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    • #2417201
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      I disagree.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How is it safe for people to drink liquids near an iPad?

      I see folk use theirs during lunch for years and not one was lost. But hey, if you dunk yours in your drink then for you, you are the unsafe part of the story here.

      Most of the damage I’ve seen is from dropping them.

      That said, this seems like good advice: Don’t carry drinks or other liquids with your iPad ​in your backpack.

    • #2417200
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      Don’t use your iPad as a drink coaster

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to How is it safe for people to drink liquids near an iPad?

      My mom has had an iPad since the first model and never had liquid damage in any of her iPads. Same thing with my multiple Samsung tablets over the years.

      Sorry OP, there is no direct correlation or need to take anything but regular precautions to avoid moisture in my experience.

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