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  • #2141682

    How It’s Like To Be A Web Developer?

    by vihaforge4 ·


    Hi there,

    My name is Ajay i am a web developer and owner of so my question is
    sorry for the silly question but it’s a question that’s been bothering me quite a lot lately…
    I’m on my journey on becoming one (hopefully). There’s still a long road ahead but I think I’m doing my best.
    The point is, I’m kind of getting this idea that being a web dev you spend a lot of time alone in your dark room without talking to anybody for weeks, which I know it doesn’t resemble the truth, but still, somehow this image is stuck in my head. I’m not a super duper “go out and party” guy, but neither a “hate everyone” one.
    I love learning to code and to build my first little apps, but this idea of “loneliness” career, I feel is kind of pulling me back. I’d really need to hear what do you think about.

    Thank you

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      As to the “life of a ….”

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How It’s Like To Be A Web Developer?

      This is always your choice to stay remote or get out there and wait… COVID changed all that. For now until this plague is over you are stuck with Zoom and not being as social.

      Times changed. And it’s been hard on many. Very hard.

      Sadly, many politicized the pandemic. Millions died and yet, so many want it to be about politics. Go figure.

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