General discussion
How It’s Like To Be A Web Developer?
Hi there,
My name is Ajay i am a web developer and owner of so my question is
sorry for the silly question but it’s a question that’s been bothering me quite a lot lately…
I’m on my journey on becoming one (hopefully). There’s still a long road ahead but I think I’m doing my best.
The point is, I’m kind of getting this idea that being a web dev you spend a lot of time alone in your dark room without talking to anybody for weeks, which I know it doesn’t resemble the truth, but still, somehow this image is stuck in my head. I’m not a super duper “go out and party” guy, but neither a “hate everyone” one.
I love learning to code and to build my first little apps, but this idea of “loneliness” career, I feel is kind of pulling me back. I’d really need to hear what do you think about.Thank you