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  • #2086431

    How Much Humidity is Too Much?


    by rkclark0308 ·

    Our server room is currently running about 45-49% humidity, which to us seems too high, especially when the printer is curling the paper, there are occasional drips from the ceiling, and the smell is almost unbearable. We know that we don’t want ittoo dry in there, so it’s not prone to static electricity, but is there a range of where a server room should be?

    We’ve been fighting with maintenance and the power plant people for the last month saying it’s too high, especially when one of the ladies has been here for 3 years and has never had the room feel like that before. Our office right next door is running at about 25% humidity.

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    • #3873585

      How Much Humidity is Too Much?

      by redshift ·

      In reply to How Much Humidity is Too Much?

      The humidity range that came with my Netfinity says that 20%-40% is optimal.

      A dehumidifier would help in this situation.

      Problems from excessive humidity can result in the form of corroded pieces and overheating.

      Not to mention that it would suck having to work in that room for very long.

    • #3874851

      How Much Humidity is Too Much?

      by dcosgrove ·

      In reply to How Much Humidity is Too Much?

      20-40 sounds right, your drips are most likely not from just humidity though. You may have cooling lines or ducts overhead. The lower the temp, the lower the dew point. This may be more of your odor problem too. Also depending on what type of paper, dew point could also be a factor.

    • #3880455

      How Much Humidity is Too Much?

      by rkclark0308 ·

      In reply to How Much Humidity is Too Much?

      This question was closed by the author

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