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  • #2073688

    How much should I charge to build a web


    by matthew.done ·

    I am about to design a web site from start to finish. This is the first time I have gone out on my own. I have developed many web sites at work but have never done anything privatly. Is there a standard rate I should apply to charging customers. Theweb site I am desging is fairly standard with many pictures links and text. Any help would be appreciated.

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    • #3894792

      How much should I charge to build a web

      by mukul_gandhi ·

      In reply to How much should I charge to build a web

      You can decide on various criteria like –
      1. You can charge per page(may be 25$-50$/page depending on the effort u put in).
      2. You can charge seperately for images and text(may be 10$/image and 15$ or more for text/page).
      3. Or, u can charge a single rate for the whole site.
      4. You may charge seperately for JavaScript proframming, Applets or any server side scripts u’ll write.
      5. And u can charge seperately for web space and hosting.

      Hope this helps.


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