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  • #4270939

    How much vram is optimal for gaming?

    by hopkieb27 ·


    Building a new computer and I was wondering how much vram is optimal for gaming? do you need more than 4gb or?

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    • #4270943
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      Reply To: How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      Do you mean vram = virtual memory or vram = video memory (memory on the video card)? Or may just ram?

    • #4271014
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      Reply To: How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      This really depends on the game/application you want to use. Some require more than others. Most games/applications work just fine with 4Gb, but some may require more than that. Some use onboard RAM on a computer and others require separate video boards. Not enough information provided to get a more accurate answer. You haven’t offered much information to go by yet.

    • #4271035
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      Names of games.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      Without that, I won’t guess.

      But most games publish minimums and suggested gear. The truth is that those that buy the minimums should not complain about poor performance.

    • #4274865

      Reply To: How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      by garloom26 ·

      In reply to How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      Id say 16GB is more than enough for most apps. If you’re budgeting 8GB should do.

    • #4276604

      Reply To: How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      by bawejamedia ·

      In reply to How much vram is optimal for gaming?

      I would say consider 8 GB minimum

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