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  • #3964163

    How to change default ALT GR characters.

    by j.lomas88 ·

    I have a PC running Windows 10. It has a British keyboard without a numpad. If I press ALT GR, above the ‘e’, ‘u’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘a’ letters I get the characters:
    é ú í ó á
    I would like to change the accents to become “grave”, i.e.
    è ù ì ò à
    How can I program the registry to make this change?

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    • #3964534
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How to change default ALT GR characters.

      I’d look at SHARPKEYS or Autohotkey to solve this one.

    • #3964564

      SHARPKEYS doesn’t do this

      by j.lomas88 ·

      In reply to How to change default ALT GR characters.

      Hi, in reply to rprofitt reply to my query, SHARPKEYS and AUTOHOTKEY do not do this, they map one key to another.
      My question is different: when I press ALT GR, a series of accented letters becomes available, then by subsequently pressing one of them an accented letter is applied e.g. ALT GR e -> é
      I don’t want this particular pre-programmed set of accented letters (which are all “acute”), I want a different set that I can specify (I want them all to be “grave” – accented to the left not right).
      Somewhere in the registry this mapping of all the acute letters must be programmed, I need to know where and how to change them, so that for example ALT GR e -> è not é

      Sorry if my query wasn’t clear enough.

      • #3964577
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        The last time

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to SHARPKEYS doesn’t do this

        The last time I looked into the Windows keyboard system that area was NOT a registry edit. It is deeper than a registry change and why I suggest the use of Autohotkey to get the character you want with the key press you want. Also, Autohotkey can work with much more than one key to key. I’ve heard such from folk before they learn what Autohotkey can do.

        However, this might be solved by picking the keyboard (in Windows) you want or one of the keyboard enhancer apps.

    • #3998613

      Reply To: How to change default ALT GR characters.

      by Johnharper2020 ·

      In reply to How to change default ALT GR characters.

      Then go to Settings > Time and Language > Language > click on the default language pack > options > add keyboard > select the name of the keyboard we just created and apply it. Now when you use the Right Alt Key or Alt GR, it will not output any character, or it will output characters you have chosen

    • #4000985

      Reply To: How to change default ALT GR characters.

      by antoniosgrift ·

      In reply to How to change default ALT GR characters.

      To delete or replace, click on the unique character. It will open an edit box. Here you can remove or type your own choice of character.

      Once all changes are complete, click on File > Save as image.

      Go to the menu Project > Properties. Add a name and description.

      Then again click on Project > Build DLL and Setup package.

      Open the folder where you chose to save the setup package. Double click to install it. Then go to Settings > Time and Language > Language > click on the default language pack > options > add keyboard > select the name of the keyboard we just created and apply it.

      Now when you use the Right Alt Key or Alt GR, it will not output any character, or it will output characters you have chosen.


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