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  • #2218025

    How to convert some text into another text?


    by charmed94 ·

    Is there any program which will convert/transform some word/sentence into another word/sentence?
    It would be the same as Notepad’s replace option, but i can’t do that step by step. It’s irritating, ’cause i have to do that for 5 words in 10 documents at least. It would be like Google translate too.

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    • #2825472


      by charmed94 ·

      In reply to How to convert some text into another text?


    • #2824541

      Can’t think of another way

      by kevaburg ·

      In reply to How to convert some text into another text?

      If you are certain that there will be no repercussions when using the “replace all” function, then the search and replace tool is the best option. I would still say though that each change should be checked manually before committing. Nothing worse than going back and sorting out something that someone else discovered to be wrong….!

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