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    How to Correctly Handle Redirects for Homepage Indexing?

    by bestpickleballs ·

    Hello SEO specialists,

    My website’s “https://” homepage is currently rerouting visitors to a less complex version of the site, and Google isn’t indexing it.

    Here is what I have thought of thus far:

    Requesting that Google index the URL that was redirected: Is this the ideal method?
    Redirect Type Verification What kind of redirect is best for this circumstance in terms of SEO?
    Take into account removing the redirect: Is this a good idea, or may it create additional problems?
    I’m interested in your expert opinions and suggestions on how to approach this problem most effectively. For a lot of us struggling with this frequent yet perplexing issue, your knowledge could be a guiding light.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Avatar photobestpickleballs. Reason: just simple changes in url
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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    • #4152222

      301 Redirect : Homepage Indexing

      by fontesdeletrass ·

      In reply to How to Correctly Handle Redirects for Homepage Indexing?

      To correctly handle redirects for homepage indexing, follow these steps:
      1. Use a 301 redirect: Implement a permanent redirect from old URLs to the new homepage URL. This signals search engines that the old URL has permanently moved.

      2. Update internal links: Ensure that all internal links on your website point to the new homepage URL. This helps search engines discover and index the new URL.

      3. Update external links: If possible, reach out to external websites linking to your old homepage and request them to update their links to the new URL. This helps preserve link equity and avoids potential loss of traffic.

      4. Submit sitemap: Update your website’s sitemap to include the new homepage URL and submit it to search engines. This helps search engines discover and index the new URL faster.

      5. Monitor and analyze: Keep an eye on your website’s performance and monitor any changes in search engine rankings and traffic. Use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix any indexing or crawling issues.

      By following these steps, you can ensure that search engines correctly handle redirects for your homepage indexing, preserving your website’s visibility and rankings.

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