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  • #2072888

    How to create a knowledge base w/links?


    by azdavid99 ·

    I would like to create a reference tool that’s similar to Tech Net on the microsoft site. I’d like it to reside locally to use as a personal reference for my PC hardware repair business. I’m pretty familiar with MS Word and HTML. Not sure if it may required CGI or Access which I know very little about but could learn quickly if that’s the appropriate direction. Please send me an email if you’re not exactly sure what I’m trying to accomplish. Thanks

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    • #3784745

      How to create a knowledge base w/links?

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to How to create a knowledge base w/links?

      You could, I suppose, create a static knowledge base with hypertext links but that would be very, very laborious to create and maintain.

      A knowledge base is essentially a database of descriptive information that is indexed on certain keywords. So you’ll need some kind of simple backend database with a field for the information, a field (or fields) for the keyword(s) and a unique record identifier. In similar applications, I’ve used Access or various SQL implementations.

      Then you’ll needa search engine. This is probably a part you don’t want to write yourself, at least initially. But there are pre-fabbed search engines out there, so not to worry.

      You’ll need the HTML to accept the search information and return the located records to the browser.

      So the last piece is the “glue” and you could use cgi scripting, active server pagers or a product like PHP. On a cost basis, my favorite combination is a MySQL database running on Apache with PHP providing the glue and, in fact, I’m working on a

      • #3784713

        How to create a knowledge base w/links?

        by azdavid99 ·

        In reply to How to create a knowledge base w/links?

        Your answer does sound very logical to me however I think I’m going to begin working on a simpler solution. Your’s of course would be far more professional and I wish you good luck in your design. Thanks

    • #3784744

      How to create a knowledge base w/links?

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to How to create a knowledge base w/links?

      knowledge base application right now with those products.


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