
  • Creator
  • #4002476

    How to Create Jackson Classes from XSD

    by Mobi Wan ·


    Jackson does not provide a tool for generating Jackson classes from XSD or JSON, as JAXB does for a specific XSD.

    The JAXB class generator was used to generate a set of classes for the specified XSD schema. For polymorphic types, for example, JAXB provides the following annotation to identify the name based on the name of an XML element.

    Can such courses be offered in Jackson? Specifically, determining the type based on the name of an XML element.

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  • Author
    • #4004773

      Reply To: How to Create Jackson Classes from XSD

      by HadiqaKyani ·

      In reply to How to Create Jackson Classes from XSD

      Follow the steps below to generate Java classes from XML Schema in Eclipse IDE.
      Step 1: Create JAXB project.
      Step 2: Assign name of your Project.
      Step 3: JAXB Facet Setup.
      Step 4: Create XSD file.
      Step 5: Adding jar files to Project.
      Step 6: Generating Java classes.

    • #4004779


      by naveedmunirch ·

      In reply to How to Create Jackson Classes from XSD

      Step 1: Create JAXB project. …
      Step 2: Assign name of your Project. …
      Step 3: JAXB Facet Setup. …
      Step 4: Create XSD file. …
      Step 5: Adding jar files to Project.
      Step 6: Generating Java classes.

    • #4005013

      Reply To: How to Create Jackson Classes from XSD

      by jimmy.wick ·

      In reply to How to Create Jackson Classes from XSD

      Open a command prompt. Run the JAXB schema compiler, xjc command from the directory where the schema file is located. The xjc schema compiler tool is located in the app_server_root \bin\ directory. Use the generated JAXB objects within a Java application to manipulate XML content through the generated JAXB classes.


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