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  • #2144801

    How to create shared storage in virtual cluster environment

    by kirubhakaran ·



    Please guide me Implementation of SQL cluster setup in windows server 2016 in Virtual environment.

    1. Node A & B VM created in same configuration
    2. Failover clustering installed in both servers VM

    I’m getting error in the time of validation (Storage & network)

    My ideas,

    2.RDM – Raw device mapping disk

    Thanks & Regards
    Kirubhakaran S

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    • #2419130

      How to create shared storage in virtual cluster environment

      by benmartin9920 ·

      In reply to How to create shared storage in virtual cluster environment

      In Windows Server 2012 Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) has been more tightly integrated into the Failover Clustering feature. The process for a cluster Physical Disk Resource (PDR) to be enabled for CSV has been simplified and streamlined.
      To add storage to Clustered Shared Volumes follow these steps:
      1) Launch the Failover Cluster Manager (CluAdmin.msc)
      2) Select the Storage node
      3) Select the Disks that you want to add to Clustered Shared Volumes.
      Note: A great new Failover Cluster Manager feature in Windows Server 2012 is support for multi-select and the ability to enable CSV across a number of disks all at once!
      4) Right click on your selection and choose the Add to Cluster Shared Volumes option.
      5) Your disks are now added to Clustered Shared Volumes!
      CSV provides a single consistent file name space. Files have the same name and path when viewed from any node in the cluster. CSV volumes are exposed as directories and subdirectories under the “ ClusterStorage ” root directory: C:\ClusterStorage\VolumeX\
      CSV enabled volumes now appear as “CSVFS”. CSVFS is the NTFS file system under the covers and volumes are still formatted with the NTFS file system.

      I hope this helps!
      Ben Martin

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