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  • #2140622

    How to create tutorials using video clips, quizzes, graphics, etc.,

    by cricket1001 ·


    I am looking for resources on how to create tutorials for our employees? Are there classes on this? I work for the local police department and we are having problems with some officers not understanding how to do certain things (like filling out police reports correctly). I would love to figure out a way to create tutorials that are very easy to understand. Maybe even using video screen record clips and of course snippets of menus, etc.
    I also would like to create tutorials for IT employees to learn how to do certain tasks or programs.

    In my attempts at this I have found the following problems or just not knowing how to do certain things.

    Video recording of screen
    Adding graphics like:
    Numbers or letters in circle
    My attempts at this made the circles too big for just 1 number or letter to fit.
    Animated graphics
    Include quizzes
    Include sample police report form for officers to fill out

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