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  • #2140567

    How to disable “Email & accounts” settings in Windows 10

    by dayhalk ·


    I need to prevent users from being able to add an account to the “Email & accounts” section. Is there any GPO or Registry to disable/gray out the page or section? Thanks for any assistance.

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    • #2414383
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      Make it policy.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How to disable “Email & accounts” settings in Windows 10

      First a nod to since almost all here have a personal phone to do what they want with email.

      You left out almost all details (see example question and reply at link.) My answer is to make it policy that the HR supplies as well as what the penalty will be.

      • #2414382

        Tricky Situation

        by dayhalk ·

        In reply to Make it policy.

        Hopefully this helps…

        1) Are these computers “Work owned” and centrally administered by some sort of corporate / work place server.
        2) How is your email managed from the work place — do you have some central exchange type of server.

        1. These machines are on a VM. They are company owned but they can’t be on the same policy as the rest of the Corp as they need tighter restrictions. They have their own policy’s and that’s what we are locking down for everything else, but I can’t find the policy or registry to disable/gray out the “Email & accounts” settings page.

        2. Email is handled using Outlook and we have it added to the machine but we don’t want the vendors to be able to add a new mail/account to the machine. Not just adding an account to Outlook but to the entire machine.

        It won’t let me post a screenshot but we just want to be able to gray out or prevent vendors from accessing the “Email & accounts” settings page.

    • #2414381


      by dayhalk ·

      In reply to How to disable “Email & accounts” settings in Windows 10

      For anyone wondering… I found a registry fix.


      Add or modify value to 0

    • #2414247


      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to How to disable “Email & accounts” settings in Windows 10

      I am not sure but I have found this:
      First Entry
      Modify NoConnected User to 3
      Second Entry
      Modify the value to 0

    • #2414242

      Standard account

      by macdaemon ·

      In reply to How to disable “Email & accounts” settings in Windows 10

      Just create a separate local (not linked to an email) standard account. Standard account won’t be able to add anything. They will see “Emails & Accounts” section, but the “+” sign to add a person will not be there.

      • #2414238

        Local Users

        by dayhalk ·

        In reply to Standard account

        This wouldn’t work as we needed them to have email access. We were able to find the registry fix to not allow them to create/add new accounts.

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