November 28, 2022 at 4:51 pm #4010284
How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
Lockedby DanielQuiz167898767 · about 2 years, 2 months ago
Tags: Community, Networking, Software
I write projects for a company, the projects are similar, but because of the identical application code, I have to rewrite, refactor.
Takes a lot of time manually
If there are proven services, I will be grateful
Thank you !Topic is locked -
All Answers
November 28, 2022 at 5:26 pm #4010295
Why the rewrite?
by rproffitt · about 2 years, 2 months ago
In reply to How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
We NEVER rewrite or refactor without a good reason. The code is working so we don’t fix it.
January 2, 2023 at 1:47 am #4017972
Reply To: How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
by Johnharper2020 · about 2 years, 1 month ago
In reply to How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
Automatic refactoring removes dead and redundant code without changing a system’s functionality and converts unstructured code into well-structured code and procedural code into object-oriented code.
January 2, 2023 at 10:49 am #4018085
IRL (in real life)
by rproffitt · about 2 years, 1 month ago
In reply to Reply To: How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
It’s not done by seasoned programmers. Great way to automatically introduce system failures.
But hey, it may not be your responsibility but it could mean you could lose your job or company!
January 3, 2023 at 8:34 am #4018334
How to carry out the process of automatic code refactoring?
by Biz4SolutionsPvtLtd · about 2 years, 1 month ago
In reply to How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
Automatic code refactoring refers to the process of employing a program or a tool for making changes in the existing code while keeping its functionality intact. Code modifications are necessary when you need to improve the readability or structure of the code. Check out the options for carrying out the process of automatic code refactoring.
Today, several IDEs offer built-in tools for auto-code refactoring. Common examples of such tools are IntelliJ IDEA’s “Code” menu, Visual Studio’s “Refactor” menu, etc. Coming to standalone tools, there’s the “Rascal” tool that is language agonistic and the Facebook-created “Codemod” automation tool. “Codemod” is an open-source tool written in Python and can be used to refactor large-scale codebases.
If you need code refactoring for a specific requirement that is not supported by any of the refactoring tools available in the market, you can write customized programs for this purpose.
However, you need to note that code refactoring is a complicated process and for certain use cases it may not be possible to entirely automate the code refactoring process. In such scenarios, partial human intervention is needed along with automated code refactoring. -
February 27, 2023 at 10:16 pm #4043454
Use IDEs for Automatic Code Refactoring.
by SameekshaM · about 1 year, 11 months ago
In reply to How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
Code refactoring is the process of changing the code’s structure without changing its external behavior and functionality. It consumes a lot of time and can be tedious when done manually.
Automated code refactoring leverages special software to streamline and simplify the process for you. Today, several IDEs, such as NetBeans, Visual Studio Code (VSC), IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, StepsizeRider, SonarQube, and many others, provide the feature of code refactoring.
Though you use tools for code refactoring, you still have to control them and measure results. However, they will undoubtedly save time.
April 4, 2023 at 8:34 am #4060559
Here are Some Steps
by knifeplatoon22 · about 1 year, 10 months ago
In reply to How to do automatic code refactoring instead of manual?
Use code analysis tools or manual code reviews to identify areas of the code that need refactoring. There are many refactoring tools available, such as ReSharper, Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA. Select the one that works best for the programming language and IDE you’re using.
Once you’ve selected a tool, you’ll need to configure it to work with your project. This may involve specifying the programming language, the version of the IDE you’re using, and any other relevant settings.