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  • #2144175

    How to increase speed of computer?

    by bkkumaris4u ·


    how to increase speed of computer? Its work very slow. please notify me.

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    • #2420812

      Use system optimazition software

      by johnsmith90826 ·

      In reply to How to increase speed of computer?

      There are 4 ways:
      1. Use system optimazition software and antivirus software
      2.Reinstall system
      3.Upgrade your computer hardware
      4.Maybe your computer is too old, buy a new one

    • #2420800

      In addition to the above

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to How to increase speed of computer?

      Also make sure that the OS you are using isn’t the real problem. Quite a lot of hardware is not suitable for the most modern Windows OS’s.

      Even if it meets the recommended minum specifactions listed by Microsoft the system will be very slow it needs to be of a much faster specs than what is listed.

    • #2421566


      by lordsk ·

      In reply to How to increase speed of computer?

      My suggestion is to upgrade as the PC and software industry evolves a lot faster than you definitely thought. If you are playing games and you think your PC couldn’t just handle it, investing in some low profile GPU (link removed by moderator)

      I can share with you a few boosting guides though like overclocking? Or increasing your page file? There are also others like disabling Window’s Fullscreen Optimization, or simply disabling other processes that eats performance that you don’t actually need. Well, just reply which one might interest you and I’d be so glad to help.

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