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  • #4150400

    How to import data into Azure data explorer from the Azure Table Storage

    by viratdevotee998 ·

    I’m new to Azure Data Explorer. Here I need to migrate the data from Azure Table Storage table data into Azure Data Explorer Cluster’s Database’s Table without using Azure Data Factory. May be if able to do programatically using .NET, kindly suggest it. Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.

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    • #4151026
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      Maybe it’s the terminology?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How to import data into Azure data explorer from the Azure Table Storage

      Try the word INGEST rather than IMPORT?

      I’m reading

    • #4151776

      Import data from Azure Table Storage into Azure Data Explorer

      by priyalkaur31 ·

      In reply to How to import data into Azure data explorer from the Azure Table Storage

      To import data from Azure Table Storage into Azure Data Explorer (ADX) without using Azure Data Factory, you can utilize the Kusto Managed Tables feature in ADX along with a script written in .NET to programmatically move data. Here’s a high-level outline of the steps you can follow:

      Create a Managed Table in Azure Data Explorer:
      Create a new managed table in your Azure Data Explorer cluster where you want to import the data from Azure Table Storage.

      Use .NET SDK for Table Storage:
      You can use the Azure SDK for .NET to connect to your Azure Table Storage and retrieve the data. You will need to install the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table NuGet package.

      Transform Data:
      Depending on the structure of your data, you may need to transform it to match the schema of your Azure Data Explorer table.

      Batching and Ingestion:
      Azure Data Explorer provides the .ingest inline command which can be used to ingest data. You can use the Kusto Data Ingestion .NET SDK to execute this command programmatically.

      Ingest Data into Managed Table:
      Use the .ingest inline command to insert the data into the managed table you created in step 1. The command supports JSON, CSV, and TSV formats.

    • #4152643

      import data into Azure data explorer from the Azure Table Storage

      by Ayesha Sanan ·

      In reply to How to import data into Azure data explorer from the Azure Table Storage

      Of course! If you’re new to Azure Data Explorer and want to migrate data from an Azure Table Storage table to an Azure Data Explorer Cluster’s database table without using Azure Data Factory, you can consider a programmatic approach using .NET. You might find it helpful to explore Azure SDKs and libraries for data movement or utilize REST APIs for data ingestion. Good luck with your migration!

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