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  • #3997418

    How to less laptop storage

    by jamherry872 ·

    Hey, everyone I have an issue with my laptop storage. Its C folder is going out of storage as i dell many uncessary files from it but its not works and sloe down my laptop working.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by jamherry872.

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    • #3997531
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      What is this laptop?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to How to less laptop storage

      Once in a while we see one of those awful Windows laptops with 32GB of storage. The answer is nope and nope. These can’t be expanded and you rarely can clean up enough space to make it useful.

      In short, what is this laptop and how big is that C drive?

    • #3997543
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      Re: storage

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How to less laptop storage

      Apart from the total available space (32 GB or much more?), please tell also:
      – the used space and the free space (in the properties of the c:-drive)
      – the space used by the Windows folder (in its properties)
      – if you deleted everything suggested by the Disk Cleanup wizard, including the Advanced part
      – how much space is use by system restore points
      – if you use hibernation or fast startup (both take space also)
      – if there happens to be a d:-drive also (hard disk, not DVD)

      Slowing down can have many reasons. Disk space generally only is relevant if the free space is less than 2 GB.

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