
  • Creator
  • #3945513

    How to optimize battery timing?


    by carl.york2001 ·


    There are major problems in smart phones are battery timings. how we get better results?

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    • #3945537
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      Re: timing

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      Can you tell more about why an unoptimized timing is a major problem? Anjd what’s bad about the results?

    • #3945781

      There are somethings that you need to keep an eye on

      by Old Molases280 ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      1. Never use a phone when on charging.
      2. Always drain the entire battery.
      3. Never keep the phone on charging overnight.
      4. Try charging the phone when switched off.

    • #3950862

      What works for me

      by a.sinokhina ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      – never let the phone run out of power
      – I always close open applications, especially if there are a lot of them
      – I try to keep the brightness, not at the maximum, but somewhere around 25-75%
      – turn off those functions that I do not need, for example, geolocation / Bluetooth / wifi or the Internet
      – I set a timer to lock the screen if I do not use the screen for 10 seconds, it is blocked and does not glow

    • #3951331

      increase battery life and battery health

      by meetups.frosted-0h ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      Closing an app (swiping it away) for later to be just reopened fully again in my opinion shouldn’t be recommended, because this process (when opening the app again) will need slightly more processing power from the CPU and unused RAM is wasted RAM. Other than that impressive post and really good tips!!

    • #3951484

      Reply To: How to optimize battery timing?

      by tuqueroimkjernalyn ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      backing up the device, having to send it off or hand it in, then waiting to get it back days or weeks later, then restoring the device again, all settings, logging in to all apps again, installing all my apks again. And you will sacrifice the factory water resistance too.

    • #3960436

      Reply To: How to optimize battery timing?

      by EthannnBrown ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      theres always something running in the background, which eats up your battery. you should always, clear things or use it when required. also, dont charge your phone for the entire night. might not be good on a long run.

    • #3967065

      Optimizing Battery Timing Issue

      by williamsheikspare ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      To Optimize Battery Time or to increase battery time.
      You have to close down unnecessary Apps running in background.
      And clear your minimize section on your phone.

    • #4014879

      Reply To: How to optimize battery timing?

      by Johnharper2020 ·

      In reply to How to optimize battery timing?

      To set this, select the Start button, and then select Settings > System > Power & sleep > Additional power settings > Choose what closing the lid does. Choose a lower power mode. Select the Battery icon on the right side of the taskbar. To reduce power use, move the slider toward Best battery life.

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