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  • #2144399

    How to play a new file type

    by nithig ·


    A friend gave me a file for the movie 1**7,
    This is what it looks like:
    Then it repeats up to 1**7.7z.099

    I’d like to see this movie but how can it be played?
    VLC won’t play it and Media Player doesn’t recognize the format.

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      Just based on first look,

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to How to play a new file type

      it appears to me the file has been split into separate
      pieces probably with the aid of some file splitting utility.
      Contact your friend and ask what software they used to
      split the single large file into smaller chunks.
      In by gone days I had a utility for Win3X that would split large files then paste them back together, we almost had to do that because email at the time restricted the file sizes of attached files. I even used
      little DOS command line tools to split files, then rejoin
      them together using copy/b (binary copy) command.
      Don’t know if copy/b is still available from typical
      Win10 command prompt, if it is, you could maybe try
      that. Looks like each file part is named the same but
      with different numerical suffix, so a command like
      copy/b 1*.7z.* movie.7z
      would result in the files being joined together into a
      new file named movie.7z, which may be a “7 zip”
      compressed file??? If it is a 7 zip, then use 7 zip to
      unzip/uncompress the file to its original size and file

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