How to stop interfering cyber security engineer
Hi there,
I’ve discovered that somebody has been logging into my facebook messages. The hacker works in cyber security and is a friend of my now ex boyfriend. Last night a message from my facebook was forwarded to my ex at 3am. When he questioned it this morning is lead me to check my log in history and his small town which is in a different country to me is listed (where she is currently staying) and then basically every day for last 3 months from mostly her hometown. I’ve only met her once but she bragged about often hacking into other peoples networks.
I’ve changed my Facebook password, entered 2-factor sign in and will get notifications of any unauthorised attempts to log in. How did she manage to do this? And, what else might she have accessed? Are there any other passwords or apps I should check? She is obviously morally if not mentally unstable.
Advice greatly appreciated! Happy New Year 🙂