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How to use services using Netflix VPN
Error accessing Netflix associated with the use of a proxy appears in very specific situations, but it does not make anyone any easier.
When you just want to watch Netflix through a VPN, you may well encounter a black background and a message saying that access through a proxy is prohibited – agree that it’s much less pleasant that the screensavers of your favorite movies and TV shows that you wanted to watch.
This means that your VPN cannot break through the advanced system of blocking VPN connections used by Netflix.
Do not worry – this problem has a simple solution! Next, I will tell you how to bypass this blocking of access to Netflix and why it basically exists and which VPN services are better to use for this purpose. An error accessing Netflix through a proxy appears whenever a service identifies you as a user trying to access its directories using a proxy or VPN. And here it is all about licensing agreements according to which only licensed content for their countries is available to users.
As a rule, an error accessing Netflix through a proxy appears if the VPN service is not able to bypass the Netflix access blocking system or the VPN server to which you connected is in Netflix black lists and does not work anymore.
Frankly, this is a common though not very scary problem. Netflix is famous for sending blacklisted IP addresses of VPN services in full ranges and regularly. Any VPN service may run into this problem. How do you manage to deal with this problem?