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  • #2142289

    How to utilize content security policy level 3 efficiently on your website

    by naj7riyami ·


    How to utilize content security policy level 3 efficiently on your website Without any error on google console

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    • #2418448

      How to utilize content security policy level 3 efficiently on your website

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to How to utilize content security policy level 3 efficiently on your website

      With this policy defined, the browser simply throws an error instead of loading script from any other source. When a clever attacker manages to inject code into your site, they’ll run headlong into an error message rather than the success they were expecting.

      Policy applies to a wide variety of resources
      While script resources are the most obvious security risks, CSP provides a rich set of policy directives that enable fairly granular control over the resources that a page is allowed to load. You’ve already seen script-src, so the concept should be clear.

      Let’s quickly walk through the rest of the resource directives. The list below represents the state of the directives as of level 2. A level 3 spec has been published, but is largely unimplemented in the major browsers.

      base-uri restricts the URLs that can appear in a page’s element.
      child-src lists the URLs for workers and embedded frame contents. For example: child-src would enable embedding videos from YouTube but not from other origins.
      connect-src limits the origins that you can connect to (via XHR, WebSockets, and EventSource).
      font-src specifies the origins that can serve web fonts. Google’s web fonts could be enabled via font-src
      form-action lists valid endpoints for submission from

      frame-ancestors specifies the sources that can embed the current page. This directive applies to ,
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