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  • #3937906

    How would I make this sticky button menu?

    by denhamt ·

    I’m trying to make a menu that is opened up using a button floating in the bottom right corner of the page. I need it similar to the one on this page – any ideas? http s://th egallivant .co.u k/

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    • #3940084

      How to Create a CSS Sticky Menu in WordPress

      by jakeclarke1985 ·

      In reply to How would I make this sticky button menu?

      To create a sticky navbar using CSS, you’ll want to manually add CSS code to your WordPress theme. We’ll be using the position fixed. Follow the steps below.

      1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.

      2. Go to Appearance > Customize.

      3. Click Additional CSS.

      4. Add the following CSS code:
      nav {
      margin:0 auto;
      border-bottom:1px solid #dadada;


      5. Replace #website-navigation with the CSS class or Id of your navigation menu.

      6. Click the blue Publish button.

      7. Refresh your website to see your sticky menu.

      If you don’t want to code your sticky menu, you can use a plugin instead.

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