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  • #2143699

    .hta file extension and risk of malware

    by tommy olesen ·


    In the view of the recent news about .hta extensions being used/or risk being used as a way to smuggle malware into Windows, i look for the easiest way to tie this extension to Notepad (which should nulify the risk of the malware)… a noobie solution is what im looking for. Anyone ?

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  • Author
    • #2422424

      HTA Attack

      by sajid36 ·

      In reply to .hta file extension and risk of malware

      HTA is a file extension for an HTML executable file format. HTA files are used with Internet Explorer 5 and up. HTA files use HTML syntax to create applications requiring only an additional header and the HTA extension to differentiate. … HTA files are often used by viruses to update the system registry.
      HTA attack. This type of attack is a simple HTML application that can provide full access to the remote attacker. The usual file extension of an HTA is .hta . An HTA is treated like any executable file with extension .exe . When executed via mshta.exe (or if the file icon is double-clicked), it runs immediately.

    • #2418009

      .hta attack

      by pooja1588142131 ·

      In reply to .hta file extension and risk of malware

      .hta is an HTML file with scripts that include VBScript, or Jscript. It is executed by mshta.exe or also called the HTA engine. Scripts that run inside HTA engine are not restricted and they use the full permissions of the user running the HTA engine.

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