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  • #2110666



    by richardjones4 ·

    why ?after deleting the history content,
    deleting cookies, deleting content using
    internet options,deleting temp internet content.can i still see the sites visited using the hyperlink in word . i cannot see any system to delete these files within the hyperlink folder . any one help ? thanks richard

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    • #3696097


      by ivan bayross ·

      In reply to hyperlink

      Dear Richard

      After reading your query I made the following assumptions:

      1) All the operations you carried out weer carried out in IE or some Browser.

      2) The same document (possibly an MS Word attachment) was being opened in MS Word

      3) Inthe document the URL was appearing as a Hyperlink, i.e. click on it and you would connect to the site.

      I made these assumptions because your problem stems from QUOTE i still see the sites visited using the hyperlink in word UNQUOTE

      This is what I feel:
      MS Word will automatically create a Hyperlink out of any URL typed into a MS Word document.

      When you click this hyperlink MS Word passes the link to IE directly, completely bypassing History, Cookies and the like. This is supposedly the convenience that MS products give to their users ;-))

      If you do not want this fucntionality then simply highlight the URL and from the Textual menus in MS Word strip the URL of its functionality. It will immediatley lose its traditional blue color with an underline and appear as normal text in black.

      Clicking on the URL will do nothing

      The textual menu solution is as folows:

      Select the hyperlink

      That should do it

      Hope this helps

      Ivan Bayross

      • #3625953


        by richardjones4 ·

        In reply to hyperlink

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3626038


      by tjc ·

      In reply to hyperlink

      Did you ever get this figured out? If so Let us know, or let us know what has been going on with it. Thanks.

      • #3625954


        by richardjones4 ·

        In reply to hyperlink

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3625952


      by richardjones4 ·

      In reply to hyperlink

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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