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  • #4040930

    I am a hobbyist but I can’t find anyone with common interests locally.

    by chrisuser199 ·

    I am a hobbyist but I can’t find anyone with common interests locally. I don’t know where to look for others, I need some suggestions. I am slowly starting to lose interest in the field.

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    • #4041016
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      Re: hobbyist

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to I am a hobbyist but I can’t find anyone with common interests locally.

      Seeing your answer to another post, and the forum you post in now, I assume your hobby is making websites.

      Let me suggest that you start making websites for others (local clubs, shops, friends), That’s useful and satisfying work. It’s not typically done in a group (like other hobbies, like bridge) but you find it interesting.

      • #4041435

        I am trying

        by chrisuser199 ·

        In reply to Re: hobbyist

        I am trying to find clients ( both local and global ) but to no avail, at least for now.
        Now that you say it, the struggle is more about finding clients rather than groups. I assume that the loneliness is a side effect of not practicing my skills beyond learning.
        Thank you for providing more insight, but I still need some thinking to do on how to get a client.
        If you can please, share advice on how to improve my situation.
        Thank you again.

        • #4042047
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          Re: hobbyist

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to I am trying

          I’d say you need to follow a study. A few years on college or university will certainly help to get a job and start a career in IT.

          It’s surely good that you have some experience and know what you want. That makes the chance that you discover it’s wrong career (like: you conclude your should have studied psychology or become steward on a cruise ship, to name some random examples).

          And surely a study (especially if not online) will help you to meet people with the same interests as you have.

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