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  • #2145095

    I get lag spikes of 500ms making games unplayable

    by rynoxious ·


    Nearly every day at random times, though it seems more often at night, my internet will have lag spikes of 200-6000ms every second or few seconds. This will last for hours. I have reset the modem, changed dns settings, turned off the downloads from other computers, there are no QoS settings on my router, this happens on every device on my network, and still happens when only one computer is connected. I have been trying to fix this for weeks and my isp support was no help. Here’s a ping test i’ve done over the duration of the problem.

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    • #2423337

      So what is the Internet connection like at these times?

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to I get lag spikes of 500ms making games unplayable

      It is quite possible that it is a system issue when you say Partituarly at night to means Peek Usage times for the Connection and ISP involved. It is quite possible that the actual network here is the issue as it is under higher than normal loads and has slowed down to such an extent that some things that require High Speed Connection may not work properly.

      All ISP’s experience peek loads and at those times their system slows down and if that is the case there is nothing you can do about it other than try another ISP who in all likely hood is experiencing the same issues and have oversold the service on that particular connection.

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