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  • #2341586

    I need help


    by williamhdc ·


    Hello everybody
    I’m having a problem with my computer, it seems to be too old to run a heavy application. Should I change my computer’s life without people? People give me people’s contributions?
    Thank you

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    • #2442487

      More details

      by juztsteve1 ·

      In reply to I need help

      Your question is not very clear. How old is your computer? If it is not more than 4 years old, I would look into adding more memory, a faster processor, a faster and larger disk drive, or all of the above. Today’s parts’ prices should allow shopping on eBay to improve your computer’s performance at much less cost than buying a new one.

    • #2441941


      by mike_cartwright ·

      In reply to I need help

      I think he’s trying to see if he can replace parts or go about the repair process without getting the unit checked by a PC repair guy.

    • #2442803

      Any Parasite Malware attack

      by lizahyden ·

      In reply to I need help

      this might also happen that the computer would have got any malware attack that might be resulting in slow performnace of computer. so check that as well. for resolving this problem you can take help from here:

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