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  • #2143764

    I think my hard drive is failing

    by isaacashton5 ·


    So i think my HDD in my pc is failing as it has trouble reading the disk and some files. is there a way to confirm its failing and save the data?

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    • #2422585

      Is it making any noise as well??

      by abby1991 ·

      In reply to I think my hard drive is failing

      Mainly, HDD failure happens due to the bad power supply, virus attack, damaged block, sectors and corrupted operating system. Is your hard drive making any noises as well?? There are numbers of different hard drives clicking sounds for different reasons. Some type of clicking noise are due to software or driver issues, some of them due to hardware issues, and sometimes due to mechanical faults of the hard drive.

      If there is any noise, then you can try the subsequent fixes which people have used to overcome the issue:

      1. Check whether the hard drive is getting enough power or not. You can do it by plugging the power adapter directly into the power supply.
      2. Replace the data cable with the new one and turn on the drive. Now, if it does not make any noise, then the data cable might be faulty.
      3. In case the drive still makes noises, then there is a high possibility the drive is failing and needs to be replaced.

    • #2422373

      Try HD Tune

      by itpro19 ·

      In reply to I think my hard drive is failing

      Try the software HD Tune. There’s free and paid version. I’ve been using the free version for years and have relied on it tremendously to help me in diagnosing suspected faulty drives. You can run a sector by sector test which will show you if the drive is good or bad. Also, you can view the SMART details which also help in diagnosing it. Also, Crystal Mark Info is another good and free HDD troubleshooting software. Finally, you can download the utility provided by the manufacturer. Almost all provide their own free testing utility software that you can use to test the drive.

      Regardless of which one you decide to use, I would try them all to confirm that if one is telling you the drive is bad, you’ll have more than one result from a different program. Also, no matter what, make sure to back up whatever data is in the drive that you may need. A drive that makes noise or weird clicking sounds are a sign that the drive is failing. At least from my experience that’s been the case. Some noise is expected. But when it’s out of the ordinary, then it’s reasonable to assume the drive is going bad.

      Lastly, I would recommend upgrading to an SSD. Better reliability than a mechanical HDD. No moving parts on an SSD equal leas failure rates.

      I hope this helps.

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