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    I want to know about Allergy EMR Software? can anyone help me?

    by markfauver3 ·

    Hi i want to know about Allergy EMR Software. I want to gather more info about it. can anyone guide me?

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    • #2418807

      Allergy EMR Software

      by singhsima002 ·

      In reply to I want to know about Allergy EMR Software? can anyone help me?

      Hello markfauver3

      I just view your question and I also saw that no one is answer this that’s why I came to help you. So I would suggest some pin pints regarding this. Please check the follow info:

      Allergy EHR is an integrated solution designed for the allergy and immunotherapy sector. The solution encompasses features including flexible charting styles, patient scheduling, a skin testing module plus full document and image management. The solution is cloud-based allowing access through a web browser from anywhere. It is compatible with both Mac and Windows environments.

      Allergy EHR to track the environmental and allergy histories over customizable periods of time and create bespoke treatment plans for patients. Features built for the allergy sector include a module to manage vials, generate recipes and schedule and administer shots. Allergy EHR also includes reaction treatment and checking, with the ability to change recipes quickly.

      The system automatically updates to regulatory changes, including both lab orders and tracking functionality through which practice staff can track diagnostic and lab orders, send new ones electronically plus view and compare graphical representations of lab results and data.

      link removed by moderator

      Sima Singh

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