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  • #3937763

    If I upgrade my current laptop, how long will it last?

    by shivajikobardan ·

    My laptop is i5. 1 TB HDD, 8 GB RAM. I am thinking about upgrading it with 1 TB SSD and 8 GB extra RAM. If I do that how long will this laptop last? The cost of this upgrade will be ~150$ in nepal. Will it be worth upgrading? Yes or no? Please guide a bit.

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    • #3938993
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      Re: how long

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to If I upgrade my current laptop, how long will it last?

      Replacing the HDD with a new SSD will make it run faster. And it will prevent that your laptop fails because of a HDD error.

      Doubling the RAM from 8GB to 16 GB doesn’t have much, if any, effect on the lifespan, and only in exceptional cases an effect on the performance. But maybe your use of the laptop is such an exception.

      All other factors that cause your laptop to fail stay the same. So, given the rather good reliability of hard disks, the chance that your laptop will last longer, is rather small.

    • #3938969

      Can a laptop last 10 years

      by saulteyou ·

      In reply to If I upgrade my current laptop, how long will it last?

      Can a laptop last 10 years? Yes, absolutely. If you take good care of a laptop, it could last for more than 10 years. Usually the first thing that gives out is the battery, which you can usually replace or use your laptop plugged in.

    • #3938963
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      I don’t see the make and model of said laptop.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to If I upgrade my current laptop, how long will it last?

      But we have over 5 year old laptops at the office which we long ago replaced all HDDs with SSDs. Best move we made as overall speed improved. We didn’t bother adding RAM if it had 8GB but this was for office work.

      Most are used on desks, plugged in forever.

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