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    • #2964286

      Interesting problem

      by robo_dev ·

      In reply to If only I was so lucky

      So if they wire transfer $6M into your account, what would be your best strategy?

      Wire transfer to a place without extradition treaties with your home country and live out your days in luxury? Hire a private army to protect your stash???

      Wire transfer to some safe haven, fake your own death, change your identity……

      When push-comes-to-shove, if you really hid the money and refused to turn it over, would they just put you in jail and leave you there? If you were old and/or had a terminal disease, then you could leave millions to your kids…..

    • #2964285

      Have read this….How can they call it theft?. :)

      by peconet tietokoneet ·

      In reply to If only I was so lucky

      The bank is one that is in the wrong here, not the people of whom had taken out the money. 🙂

      • #2964279

        exactly my thought.

        by the scummy one ·

        In reply to Have read this….How can they call it theft?. :)

        f**king banks get away with it though 🙁

        • #2964274

          Banks & Goverments

          by wizard-09 ·

          In reply to exactly my thought.

          Do as they please, if this money went into my bank account they would never find it again thats for sure, as you said it’s not like they stole the money, it was just sitting in thier account.

          Banks fault, Banks problem, I hate banks.

          I once went to my bank asked to have ?5,000 from my account as I wanted to buy my Sports Bike, was told that I could not get it, I was like my money what you mean I can’t have it you need to call back in 24 hours as me need to get the money, so if they came to me asking for the money I would say sorry you need to call back tomorrow for it (If I’m still here) 🙂

      • #2964266

        A little known law NZ, Australia, and a few other countries

        by deadly ernest ·

        In reply to Have read this….How can they call it theft?. :)

        have from the British Common Laws is a thing called Theft by Finding. Theft is the act of intentionally denying the proper owner the full use of their property on a permanent basis or with an intent for it to be a permanent basis. If you find something and do not hand it in to the police so they can find the rightful owners, then you are a thief as you are denying the rightful owners the opportunity to regain their property. Most countries have laws that after so many months if the police can’t find the rightful owners, the finder gets it. The transfer is legal as it’s done via the law and the courts.

        Finding extra money in your bank account is the same as finding it in a bag on your front lawn. You know it isn’t yours and it should be handed in.

        Now the real bugger thing to have done would have been to with draw the cash, put it in a bag, and take it to the police station. That would have made the bank look super foolish as the money would have to be counted several times and it would take them several days to get it back. It’s counted out to you. Counted at the police station, twice usually for large sums. then when returned counted at the police station again, and counted again back at the bank.

        • #2964256

          Thanks for posting the explanation of the law [nt]

          by notsochiguy ·

          In reply to A little known law NZ, Australia, and a few other countries


        • #2964220

          So, if someone hands you some money in the street…..

          by peconet tietokoneet ·

          In reply to A little known law NZ, Australia, and a few other countries

          And you took it (of course), does that mean you can not spend it?
          It is the same in this situation, the bank has deposited the money (bank fault) into the persons account, and now the bank wants the money Back?. It would be like the person handing out money in the street and them asking for it back. Sorry, no way. I would say let them have their fun, good luck to them.
          P.S. I am next, my account and bank is xxxxxxxxxxxxx 🙂

        • #2964182

          If they give you a clear indication it’s a gift to you,

          by deadly ernest ·

          In reply to So, if someone hands you some money in the street…..

          you can keep it and spend it. If it’s an overpayment of an invoice or some other unexplained reason, no you can’t keep it. If someone accidentally pays your invoice twice they have a legal right to get the extra money back. If they over pay you because they wrote out the wrong amount on the cheque, they have a legal right to get the extra back. This situation’s the same, they overwrote the cheque.

        • #2964164

          It is funny how polititons or heads of state…..

          by peconet tietokoneet ·

          In reply to If they give you a clear indication it’s a gift to you,

          Can have their hands in the cookie jar (tax payers money) and get away with it, but anything like the banking system that makes a mistake you are up the creek and labeled
          a thief. Not so long a go there was a man in London UK. handing out his cash, thousands of pounds, and people were rushing towards the money. No questions asked, no one said “can we take this money”. If the banks do this error then the bank should fire the person who did it and then just leave it at that.

        • #2963746

          I am with you on this one

          by wizard-09 ·

          In reply to It is funny how polititons or heads of state…..

          Banks fault, banks problem, Look at the goverment now in the UK, claiming 18,000 pound for food, claiming for duck houses, it’s crazy what happens to these people nothing by the looks of it. The leave thier job and thats it, person should be fired and thats the end of it 🙂

        • #2964216

          If I found a bag o cash on my front lawn

          by the scummy one ·

          In reply to A little known law NZ, Australia, and a few other countries

          it would not find it’s way to the local PD

          then I would be taxed on it if I ever got it back :0

        • #2964180

          But neither would you be charged with a crime and

          by deadly ernest ·

          In reply to If I found a bag o cash on my front lawn

          you don’t have to worry about the criminal looking you up for it.

          BTW That actually happened down here a couple of times. Money from criminal activities were in a bag and hidden from sight when the police turned up. Later a member of the public found the bag and turned it in with a many thousands of dollars, one case wad about a quarter million. After the legally required six months the police rang and told them to come and get their money out of the lock up. The police had a good idea of who it belonged to, but there was no way that person was going to walk in and claim it either. So the cops had a good chuckle about the newly rich finder and the bad guy going with out. If the cops had been able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it was stolen or it was drug money, the situation would have been different, but they couldn’t so they settled for letting the member of the public have it.

        • #2963691

          It’s all drug money

          by hilld ·

          In reply to But neither would you be charged with a crime and

          “If the cops had been able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it was stolen or it was drug money, the situation would have been different, but they couldn’t so they settled for letting the member of the public have it.”

          In the 80’s police confiscated lots of large bills because they had cocaine residue on them. Thus becoming drug money. Some defense lawyer pulled $100 bills out of banks and had them tested. Due to comingling they came up positive

    • #2964280

      lol — it was the banks mistake

      by the scummy one ·

      In reply to If only I was so lucky

      they deposited the money — it is gone — how can one reasonably assume that it is stolen?
      It was not stolen — just mis-placed and now missing.
      Kind of like if you get something in the mail that you didnt order, you can keep it.
      Or like leaving a stack of cash in a park and expecting it to sit there untampered.
      The Bank f**ked up — the couple didnt steal anything, they just took what was deposited into their account 😀 — Heck, if it was in my account, I would take an immediate vacation (after a few wire transfers). My account would have about $350 in it when I was done, and y’all would hear from me from another country (with a new profile of course) 😀

      • #2964267

        My wife asks…

        by notsochiguy ·

        In reply to lol — it was the banks mistake

        …why I have pushpins on a map in select countries.

        “Honey, those are all non-extradition countries. Just in case.”

        She shakes her head, but I tell you, she’d be the first one to partake in some fine Product X from Country Y if we ended up ‘moving there suddenly’ with new found riches! 😉

        • #2964240

          Cuba is your best bet

          by jamesrl ·

          In reply to My wife asks…

          We had a terrorist in Quebec who had been involved in a political kidnapping in the 70s, he skiddadled to Cuba, who don’t extradite anyone it seems. You can always fly from there to Mexico and sneak back across the border to visit. Your friends can visit you by going through Canada or Mexico.


        • #2964229

          Trust me…

          by notsochiguy ·

          In reply to Cuba is your best bet

          …I’ve already got some real estate up the road from the Castro family staked out!


          Of course, with my luck, I’d be the dangling fish used to seal some sort of deal between the US and Cuba!!!


        • #2964179

          Some of the South American countries also do not have

          by deadly ernest ·

          In reply to Trust me…

          extradition treaties and most also have legal topless beaches and nude beaches all over the place – sounds like a geek heaven.

    • #2964264

      It happened to me

      by mjd420nova ·

      In reply to If only I was so lucky

      One day my bank account showed a deposit of over $16,000. that I hadn’t made. I quickly moved it into a money market account so I could get some interest from it until they decided they wanted it back. It took them a couple days to find their error and then it magically disappeared, along with about $160. it have gained in interest. Yes, if it had been a couple million, I’d have taken a wire tranfer to a Swiss numbered account and then disappeared. I only need two million, one to spend and the other to invest.

    • #2964233

      I don’t think

      by wizard-09 ·

      In reply to If only I was so lucky

      They will be finding these 2 people in a hurry, anyone want to take any guesses were they went lol, if it were me my 1st place to go would be los vagas lol 🙂

      • #2964178

        I think they may be on one veeery long Aussie drive yourself

        by deadly ernest ·

        In reply to I don’t think

        holiday as you don’t need a passport to go between the two countries.

    • #2963694

      If keeping the money is ok….

      by karydavis ·

      In reply to If only I was so lucky

      …why is everyone running away in their fantasy senarios??

      The couple fled because they knew they were taking money that didn’t belong to them.

      Anyone who receives money like that and immediately takes steps to “hide” both the money and themselve is clearly aware their actions constitute fraud.

      Taking something that you KNOW isn’t yours is theft, under any circumstances. Sure the bank made an error, but the couple also didn’t call the bank to verify the deposit…and they didn’t call because they KNEW it was an error. I think that’s where the criminal aspects come into play.

      When you know its wrong…and you act like its wrong…more than likely…its wrong.

      I think they should be prosecuted as thieves..because that’s what they are…

      • #2963678

        If it was you who got the money, what would you do?..

        by peconet tietokoneet ·

        In reply to If keeping the money is ok….

        Remember this is TWO Million dollars we are talking about. So you would call the bank and say what?

        • #2963674

          I thought it was 6 million…

          by karydavis ·

          In reply to If it was you who got the money, what would you do?..

          …but that’s not the point.

          I did have a bank mistakenly deposit another customer’s $500 check into my account. This was way back in the early 70’s…when $500 was a nice chunk of change.

          I called the bank to see where the money came from, which resulted in the money being returned to the right customer.

          I’m not self righteous or anything, I just don’t think there is any amount of money on this planet that can turn me into a thief. 2 million, 6 million, or $500… if I come by it honestly, someone wants to give it to me for free… I’m there!!

          But I won’t do anything dishonest to get it…but there is no amt of money that will turn me into a thief…

        • #2962420

          So, do you want the two million or what? :)

          by peconet tietokoneet ·

          In reply to I thought it was 6 million…

          🙂 🙂

        • #2962554


          by karydavis ·

          In reply to So, do you want the two million or what? :)

          You offering?

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